SSI - $1,400 Fourth Stimulus Check Update - Supplemental Security Income - Stimulus Check Update 2022 - Loan United States

SSI – $1,400 Fourth Stimulus Check Update – Supplemental Security Income – Stimulus Check Update 2022

SSI - $1,400 Fourth Stimulus Check Update - Supplemental Security Income - Stimulus Check Update 2022

SSI $1,400 Fourth Stimulus Check Update Supplemental Security Income I have all the details and what you need to know right here on the topic. So let’s get right into it. I know this topic is specifically dedicated to those of you here on the channel receiving SSI Supplemental Security Income. I continue to get a lot of comments down below in the comments section from many of you right here on the channel receiving fixed-income benefits, wondering many of the common questions, including will there be a fourth stimulus check? How much will a fourth stimulus check be?

Will SSI Beneficiaries be included for a fourth stimulus check? When will we get a fourth stimulus check? These are all very good questions and exactly what I want to answer for you right here in the topic in this dedicated SSI $1400 fourth Stimulus check topic. So let’s get into it and talk through all the details. However, really fast before we do, thank you so much for joining me.

I am your one and only daily advocate. I am very much dedicated to you in this community to continue watching all this new information, hitting the wire every single day, doing all the necessary research, and breaking it all down into these short topics which I deliver. A couple of times throughout the day so you can stay updated with what is actually going on right now as things are changing very rapidly and as we continue to get new announcements out of the president, the administration lawmakers congress, and all the new bills and packages, proposals and amendments, reform and everything else that’s going on with lawmakers in Congress right now. There are a lot of moving parts.

Things are changing very rapidly. And realistically, between now and the end of the year, it’s only going to get even more busy. So again, please make sure to subscribe down below. I’ll be here for you, right by your side, every single day, to bring you all the updates and to help you out in any way that I possibly can. Just like in this topic, answering all of your questions and giving you the latest updates as far as where we currently stand and how this pertains to fixed income beneficiaries, especially SSI.

All right, so like I said, I continue to get a lot of questions down below in the comments section from many of you here in the community. Now, again, I do see comments down below, specifically from SSI Beneficiaries, reaching out, saying, what about SSI?

Are we going to be included? I also get a lot of questions from other beneficiaries like SSDI as well? Will SSDI be included? Will Social Security be included? Will VA be included?

Will seniors be included? You know what I mean? So the questions go on and on. Well, in this topic I do want to focus on pretty much all fixed-income beneficiaries. So it’s not necessarily particular to SSI beneficiaries, but rather all fixed-income beneficiaries because it’s all pretty much the exact same thing.

Now again, I completely understand that Social Security retirement is very different from Social Security disability. I completely understand that Social Security disability is also very different from SSI. I also understand that SSI is very different from VA. All fixed-income benefits are different. But at the end of the day they’re all fixed-income benefits and they’re basically all kind of categorized into the same category.

Therefore, whether we talk specifically about SSI or SSDI or Social Security, it’s all pretty much one and the same. Because if one beneficiary is going to be eligible, pretty much all they’re going to be eligible. Does that make sense? So let me talk you through the details as far as where we currently stand, what we need to watch very closely going forward and what I am watching also very closely in regards to another check or any other details out there right now because things are very, very different and things are changing very very rapidly, right? So number one, I want to point this out right away before we get into this any further.

As of right now, a fourth single check in any dollar amount, again, it could be $5, it could be 1000, it could be 500, it could be 5000, it could be 1400, it could be 1200, it could be 2000, doesn’t matter at this point, a stimulus check of any dollar amount has not been approved. Okay, just want to make that very clear. So we’re all on the same page as of right now, however. Now let me point out to you a few things that I’m looking at very very closely right now because this is all going to predicate. What actually happens going forward?

What happens to the economy, what happens to the inflation that we’re currently dealing with, what’s happening with the likelihood of additional stimulus checks? What’s going on with the markets, the stock market, the real estate market, the Federal Reserve, what’s going on with the job market? There are a lot of different things. It all comes down to number one, the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is the dog wagging the tail right now.

When it comes down to all of these markets, all of these different economic aspects that we’re looking at, it’s all coming down to the Federal Reserve and what they are doing with interest rates. So if I had to categorize what are the most important things that we need to watch right now? Basically, it’s the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve and the central bank or Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve. What they’re doing as far as their meetings and what they’re doing with interest rate policy is going to determine the trajectory of this economy.

It’s going to determine the trajectory of this Inflation, the job market, and basically all of the markets as well. As I said, the stock market, crypto market, real estate market, and basically everything else is going to be pegged off of what the Federal Reserve is doing with their interest rate policy. So if I’m watching anything very closely right now, it is the Federal Reserve watching them very, very closely because like I said, they’re pretty much determining what is going on with everything else right now. So why do I put so much emphasis on the Federal Reserve? Here’s what it comes down to.

We know that inflation is very high right now, right? Well as a result of that the Federal Reserve is aggressively raising interest rates in an effort to bring down this inflation. Well in an effort to do that they’re actually pretty much smashing the economy, right? So they’re contracting the economy deliberately as a result of bringing down inflation, raising interest rates. Well what happens then when they raise interest rates and they contract the economy?

Well what happens is we start to see a lot of layoffs all across the economy, right? So right now we’ve been hearing about all of these large corporations, big businesses, mediumsized businesses laying off hundreds or even thousands of employees in some instances. Some places are even closing down large sections of their companies because they just don’t have the demand right now, they don’t have the sales to support all of the different people within these different departments. Therefore they’re closing down and laying off hundreds or like I said, thousands of people across just even just large corporations. This is a big, big situation that we need to deal with because what’s going to happen is the unemployment rate is going to tick higher.

What happens when the unemployment rate ticks higher? Well, what happens is that as all these lawmakers in Congress and the governments as a whole look at the unemployment rate and they see that it’s going higher and higher, the higher that unemployment rate goes, the higher the likelihood of us getting another check, because it simply means the economy is contracting. People are losing their jobs, therefore the economy is just not doing as well. Right. Less money flowing out into the economy because if people are losing their jobs, are they going out spending a bunch of money?

Probably not. They’re probably contracting a little bit because well now they’re probably getting unemployment benefits which are significantly less than what they were earning at their job, right? Usually about 40% to 60% of what they were probably earning. So again, very important to watch all of these factors going forward. So as of right now, even though I said that a fourth stimulus check is not approved and that’s true, a fourth stimulus check as of right now, as of this recording is not approved yet.

But we have to watch all of this closely because in the event that the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates very aggressively and the economy continues to contract even more than it already has. This simply means the likelihood of a deep recession coming into the United States, it becomes higher and higher. The higher the likelihood of a recession, and the deeper that a recession actually gets in the United States, it simply means the higher the likelihood of another check actually coming. Now, again, I’ve seen this down below recently. A comment or two have come in and the people have said, what about inflation?

Do you think they’re really going to send out another check in the event of inflation? I’ve said this before. Honestly, when it comes down to it, if the economy is contracted so much and inflation is still high, they’re not going to care about inflation. They want to bring the economy back. So at that point, if the economy has gone down enough, if the economy is in such a deep recession, at that point, inflation will no longer be an issue.

It will no longer be at the top of the priority list like what they’re claiming right now. Right? So right now they’re actually saying inflation is the number one priority. We’re going to bring it down. They haven’t exactly been doing a very good job of that, although inflation maybe has gone down a little bit, depending on which number you’re looking at but if you actually dig into the inflation numbers, you can actually see that when you dig into the reports, inflation is still going up even though the headline number is coming down and it shows that maybe inflation is easing a little bit, it’s actually not showing the real picture. When you dig into the reports, like what I’ve been doing here on previous topics, we can clearly see that inflation under the hood is still going higher and higher. In fact, food inflation is going up usually about one to one 3% every single month. That’s monthly, not annualized, that’s monthly. In fact, annualized inflation is up on food alone, almost 14%.

So yeah, figure that out, right. So again, even though they tell us inflation is going down, it’s really not. When we look at inflation under the hood, it continues to go higher. So this is a major, major issue. But in the event that the economy contracts severely, which we actually anticipated to do, and what a lot of economists and large bankers and big highprofile people are suggesting, in the event that this happens again, the likelihood of more checks actually gets higher and higher.

Now, remember, I’ve said this before in multiple topics, but I want to bring to your attention one more time here. Remember, every recession that we’ve had since the year 2000, so the last, say, 22 years, we’ve gotten stimulus checks. Every single recession, the recession in 2000, 2001 got a stimulus check, recession in 2007, 2008, and 2009 with the housing bust. Yes, got a stimulus check. Then the recession in early 2020 as a result of COVID Got a stimulus check.

Then in fact we got three of them early 2020, late 2020, and early 2021. So again, why would another recession be any different? It’s not going to be. Right, but it all depends on how deep it actually gets. If the recession is just very mild, if we dip in and then pop right back out of it, the likelihood of a check then is probably pretty slim. However, if we go into a deep recession like what we saw in 2000, 2001, 2008, 2009, and 2020, then again, likelihood of checks is very, very high. Even if inflation is very high, who cares? They want to bring the economy back. That’ll be the most important at that point, right? So even if inflation is very high, we’ve gone through periods in this country where inflation is very high. In fact, way back in 1980s, the late seventy s and early 80s, inflation was in the teens. Why couldn’t we go back to that? We easily can. In fact, a lot of economists and highprofile people, very smart people are actually projecting inflation has not even peaked yet.

They’re actually anticipating that we’re going to be over 10% inflation sometime soon. And again, they’re saying this is just a little blip on the screen right now, and we’re likely going to be over 10% inflation relatively soon. Now, again, that would not be a pretty picture, right? Especially when they continue to work on this and they continue to say, oh yeah, inflation is coming down. No, it’s actually not. If we look at the reports, it is not coming down. It’s actually going higher. Inflation continues to go up. So anyway, when it comes down to it, whether we’re focusing specifically on SSI, Supplemental Security Income, or all fixed income beneficiaries, it’s all kind of one and the same when it comes down to another check. Here’s what I also want to say about this.

In the event that another check is Approved, I can tell you this much. Fixed-income beneficiaries will be included. Unless they have some kind of weird language within the bill that says everybody’s included except for fixed income beneficiaries. I highly doubt that’s going to happen. I highly, highly, highly doubt that’s going to happen. Okay, so in the event that another check is approved, then I would say there’s a very, very high likelihood, like 99, 99, 99% chance that fixed income beneficiaries will be included. Now, again, I did not say 100% because there’s always a teeny tiny fraction of a percentage that maybe for some reason they have some kind of weird clause in there that says fixed income beneficiaries are not included. I do not foresee that happening at all.

In the event of another check, then.

Yes, just like the first three that we got since early 2020, the 1200, the 600, and the would anticipate, just like those, fixed income beneficiaries would be included yet again. How much? Good question. Well, according to history, and according to everything that I’ve been looking at, the next check, according to history, would actually be two $400. That’s what history is actually showing. But again, do I really think it’s going to be 2400? It all depends on the situation that we’re currently in when they decide to come forward with another one. If we’re in a really deep, dark recession, then by all means we could be looking at 2400. If it’s just because kind of check, then obviously no, I don’t think it’d be 2400. But history is showing us the trend is suggesting that 2400 would be the next one on the table. So there’s a lot of different factors. So to answer the questions, will you be included? Yes, by all means. There’s no reason that you would not be included. How much? Good question. We won’t know that until we are in the heat of the moment and until Congress is actually determining what they’re actually going to do going forward.

When could we get it? Well, again, that all depends on when they actually come forward and they want to talk about something when they would actually approve something through Congress, when it would be approved and signed by the president. And then at that point, probably about anywhere between about seven to ten days later is usually when they start hitting bank accounts. So a lot of different factors are going on, but as of right now, again, nothing has been approved yet. But again, I hope this answers your questions. I’m watching all of this very closely. We are in a very kind of weird situation right now. Things are transpiring very quickly and again, you know, want to continue watching the economic situation. If things continue to deteriorate at the rate that they are right now, the likelihood of checks continues to get higher and higher and higher regardless of what inflation is doing. So we’ve seen this before and again, it’s not really going to matter if we get into a situation where the economy is contracted so much, they’re not even going to talk about inflation. They’re going to say, you know what? What are we going to do to bring this economy back?

They’re going to print a bunch of money and push it out to the people just like they’ve always done. Okay, so anyway, I hope that answers your questions. For those of you receiving SSI or any fixed-income benefits, it’s virtually all.

The same when it comes down to it. Whether it’s SSDI retirement, SSI SSDI survivors, VA, or RRB it simply doesn’t really matter. I mean, we could be talking about any of these benefits specifically, but it’s all pretty much the same picture. If one is included, they’re probably all included as far as Beneficiaries, so I hope that makes sense. Anyway, as I do get more details, of course, I’ll continue watching it and bring it to you in these short topics each and every day. Share the topic with your friends, family, and social media.

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