Fourth Stimulus Check

Fourth Stimulus Check with the 2022 Recession | Fourth Stimulus Check in 2022

Will there be a fourth stimulus check now that we’re in a recession? I have all the details, what you need to know, and what to watch for right here in the topic, so let’s get right into it. All right, now this is a very important question that many of us want to know the answer to. Number one, one, will there be a fourth stimulus check? Number two, will there be a fourth simulation check? Now that we’re officially in a technical recession, I have all the details for you and that’s exactly what I want to talk about right here in the topic. And I want to point out what we need to watch for very closely here over the coming days, weeks, and of course, months. So let’s get into it and discuss all the details.

As I am your one and only daily advocate and I’m very much dedicated to you and this community to continue doing all the research, breaking it all down into these short topics, which I deliver a couple of times throughout the day so you can stay updated with what is actually going on right now during this very busy time. And as we continue to get all these new announcements out of the administration, the president, lawmakers, Congress, and anything in regards to these new packages, proposals, bills, new pieces of legislation, reform, to the very important fixed income benefits, as well as anything pertaining to money, benefits programs, raises to benefits checks, or anything else going on right now. There’s a lot going on and there are a lot of new big announcements literally every single day. So again, I’m here for you in any way that I possibly can be.

I truly want to help you out in any way that I can. And of course, I want to keep you updated along the way as we continue to get more details and any potential relief that may be coming. Let’s jump into it and discuss all the details and of course, the very important questions that all of us want to know the answers to. Will there be a fourth stimulus check? Recession is here. It is official. We are in a technical recession as of right now, even though some of the people say, oh, no, we’re not in a technical recession.

Yes, the textbook example of a recession is exactly what we are dealing with right now. Now, again, there may be some other factors that we need to pay attention to going forward. And that’s exactly what I want to talk about because there are some more elements to this story that we need to pay attention to, because that is ultimately going to give us further indication as into will there be another check? If so, when? How much, all these other details, things like that.

So let’s talk through the details about this. So as we do know, based on the most recent inflation data, as well as the announcements out of the Federal Reserve and of course the latest GDP data release, gross Domestic product, yes, the United States is officially in that technical recession. Now, just because we’re in a recession right now, or a technical recession, does that automatically mean that checks will be distributed? Not necessarily. Okay.

However, I do want to talk through the details about this because this is likely just the start of something much, much bigger, according to what the analysts, the experts, and of course, the economists are saying about this current situation. So let me tell you a few other things that we want to watch going forward very closely to give us a better glimpse into will there be another check? If so, how soon is it going to be? So as we know right now, again, I just want to throw this out there. Copy cases yet again, are kind of spiking across the country, and according to what they’re anticipating, they’re likely going to continue trending higher as we continue to work our way through the rest of the year.

So, again, that’s just another quick side note that I just want to throw it out there because remember back in 2020, what started all this business in the first place? It was all covet, right? So just remember that that is what started this whole business from the very start almost three years ago now, right? Wow. It’s crazy, right? Almost three years. That’s so long already Wow Anyway, it’s come fast Unbelievable I just realized that how long it’s been already. All right, so let’s talk about some other details here. Now we have all the details on this recession. We know that the economy is slowing down. We know that the Federal Reserve is aggressively raising interest rates.

Again, as I’ve mentioned before in previous topics, this is going to take down the United States economy. They’re doing it intentionally with an effort to bring down inflation. They know just as well as we do their efforts and what the Federal Reserve is currently doing will take down the economy. We know that. They know that.

The only question that we don’t know quite yet is how deep is it going to get? How deep and dark is this whole thing going to get? Are we just going to graze the surface of recession and pop right back out or are we going to fall really deep into the trenches of a recession? We don’t know that quite yet, but that is one of the big question marks that is out there right now. Next, we also need to watch very closely employment.

We need to watch what’s going on with the job market. We need to know our jobs being created, our jobs being lost. Is the unemployment rate ticking significantly higher? What’s going on with the employment situation, what’s going on with jobs? This is something that’s very important and a very important metric that they watch very closely.

If we continue to see the unemployment rate tick up month after month after month, more people losing their jobs and the initial jobless claims numbers coming out on Thursdays and see more and more people applying for unemployment benefits, that’s not a good trend, right? So that is one of the metrics that we will need to watch very closely going forward is what’s going on with employment. Remember, at the same time back in 2020, what happened, there were about 40 million people that were unemployed in early 2020 because of all the closures, the lockdowns, all kinds of things like that. As a result of that, what did they do? They sent out all kinds of money.

They sent out the $200 stimulus check right away in early 2020. They also sent out the extra boost on unemployment benefits. Remember that the $600 boost that everybody was getting? Yeah, I mean, money was flown out the door like crazy in early 2020. Well, not everybody, but a lot of people were getting a lot of money at that time, right?

The unemployment boost along with the state benefits, the stimulus checks, all kinds of things were happening. Well, that’s what we need to watch for because when they see a kind of a drop in the jobs market, in other words, when we see more unemployment in this country, that’s kind of a little bit of a sign that they need to step up and do something, right? So we also need to watch how deep this recession actually gets here. And it’s all going to be based on the actions out of the Federal Reserve. How much does this market and how much does the economy actually contract as a result of their efforts with the interest rates that they continue to hike up higher?

So we already know all of this is going forward. Next, we’ll need to continue watching inflation as well. That’s another key metric because this is kind of the talking point across many different economists right now. Lawmakers, the administration, all kinds of people are talking about the inflation. Where is inflation currently sitting?

Does it start to trend significantly lower throughout the rest of the year? Does it continue to move higher? Does it plateau? What is going on with inflation? That’s going to be another key indicator.

Next, we’ll need to watch the action out of the Federal Reserve. Do they continue to raise interest rates aggressively with the next few meetings here throughout the rest of the year, or do they pull back a little bit and do they kind of tame this down a little bit? And do they slow down on their interest rate policy where they’re actually raising interest rates by about 75 basis points right now per meeting? Do they obtain that back, do they pause and do they possibly implement quantitative easing? That is something that I want to point out as well.

If they implement quantitative easing again, that means that they recognize the economy is in a bad situation, which they already know what’s going to be happening, and they will be starting quantitative easing again. It’s guaranteed for a fact they will be starting quantitative easing again. When? That’s the question. Which, by the way, what is quantitative easing?

It’s a fancy, smart word for saying money printing. They print money when they do quantitative easing. So they’ve been doing it for about, what? Twelve years or something. They started doing it in 2008, 2009, and they’ve been doing it all the way up until not that long ago, six months ago, eight months ago, something like this.

So they just stopped it. So again, they will be doing it once again because that’s the only way that this economy can actually do anything is if they pump free printed money into it, right? So that’s what they have to do and they will be starting it again, it’s just a matter of when do they actually start that quantitative easing back up. But the fact of the matter is, it’s basically just the Fed printing money and plowing it into the economy. And again, we know what happens when they print money, just like what they did in early 2020, late 2020, and early 2021 stimulus checks.

Right now, let me throw this out there, as well as one more point that we want to watch. Depending on the depths and the severity of this recession that we’re currently in right now, this is going to also indicate if another check will be actually distributed. I’ve mentioned this before in other topics, but I want to say this again right now to kind of hammer this point home. In the last three recessions that we’ve gone through right here in the United States, all three of them have produced stimulus checks. The recession in 2021, after bubble popped, we got stimulus checks, $300.

In the 2008 and 2009 recessions when the housing market bubble popped, guess what happened then? $600 stimulus checks went out. The recession that we went through in early 2020 as a result of Covid and all the lockdowns and closures is again, a $1200 stimulus check was issued. Well, guess what, we’re on top of another recession right here, right now. We’ll need to continue watching all the economic data going out and see what’s actually being released here.

Are all the economic numbers coming in lower? Is the economic data showing the economy is really slowing? Is this recession going to fall in really deep and be kind of really contracted? If that’s the case, then the likelihood for stimulus checks is probably even better Because they need to get the economy.

Back up and running How do they do that? They print up a bunch of money and they send it out to the people, us, and they tell us to spend it to pump up the economy again. They do it every single time Okay, so anyway, these are some of The factors that I want to watch for going forward over the coming days, weeks, and months. Now, again, I want to make it very clear, that this does not guarantee that a check will be issued, but it also does not guarantee that a check won’t be issued. I’m saying that we are right on the cusp of something big here Whether the recession gets really bad really Fast or it just grazes the surface and then we’re off to the races again Lot to see Only time is going to tell on all this. Anyway, I’ll continue to be here for You, breaking it all down, letting you know what’s going on and how this Is going to impact us and the likelihood of any type of check, relief check, anti-inflationary check, anything like this going forward. And of course, I’ll continue to keep you posted.

Until next time, have a good one, and I’ll catch you again later on the next topic.



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